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X-Hacker.org- BIOS ref. - <b>int 10h, 07h scroll window down</b>
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Int 10h, 07h Scroll Window Down
Scrolls a specified window downward a specified number of lines.
Entry AH = 07h
AL = Number of lines to scroll (if 0, clear entire window)
BH = Display attribute for blank lines
CH = Row number of upper left corner
CL = Column number of upper left corner
DH = Row number of lower right corner
DL = Column number of lower right corner
Return Nothing
Lines are inserted at the top with all lines moving down. The new
lines are filled with blank characters of a specified display
attribute (value in BH). The lines that disappear at the bottom of
the window are lost.
See Also: Int 10h, 06h
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