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X-Hacker.org- Assembly Language - <b>int 15h, 86h (134) wait xt-286, at</b>
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INT 15h, 86h (134) Wait XT-286, AT
Waits a specified number of microseconds before returning control to
the caller.
On entry: AH 86h
CX:DX Number of microseconds to elapse
Returns: Carry Set if error or wait in progress, else
Notes: This service is not available for the PC, PCjr, and
the XT.
The real-time clock is used to count the number of
The granularity of the time is 976 microseconds.
CX is the high-order word of the count. For example,
if CX is 98h and DX is 9680h, a 10-second delay
would be specified.
See Also: INT 15h, 83h
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