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X-Hacker.org- Assembly Language - <b>int 10h, 00h (0) set video mode</b>
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INT 10h, 00h (0) Set Video Mode
Sets the video mode.
On entry: AH 00h
AL Video mode
Returns: None
Registers destroyed: AX, SP, BP, SI, DI
Table of Video Modes
Mode Type Resolution Adapter(s) Colors Address
00h Text 40 x 25 All but MDA 16 gray B8000
01h Text 40 x 25 All but MDA 16 fore/8 back B8000
02h Text 80 x 25 All but MDA 16 gray B8000
03h Text 80 x 25 All but MDA 16 fore/8 back B8000
04h Graphics 320 x 200 All but MDA 4 B8000
05h Graphics 320 x 200 All but MDA 4 gray B8000
06h Graphics 640 x 200 All but MDA 2 B8000
07h Text 80 x 25 MDA,EGA b/w B0000
08h Graphics 160 x 200 PCjr 16 B0000
09h Graphics 320 x 200 PCjr 16 B0000
0Ah Graphics 640 x 200 PCjr 4 B0000
0Bh Reserved (internal to EGA)
0Ch Reserved (internal to EGA)
0Dh Graphics 320 x 200 EGA 16 A0000
0Eh Graphics 640 x 200 EGA 16 A0000
0Fh Graphics 640 x 350 EGA b/w A0000
10h Graphics 640 x 350 EGA 16 A0000
Notes: When the mode is changed, the screen is cleared.
However, do not use this service as a "clear-screen"
service, since this can take a little longer than
the normal screen-clearing routines (Service 06h or
To avoid screen clearing (PCjr, EGA, and PC
Convertible only), call with the high bit in AL set.
The cursor is not displayed in graphics mode.
Changing the video mode also changes the cursor
For the PCjr, CGA, and EGA, modes 0, 2, and 5 are
identical to modes 1, 3 and 4 except color burst is
not enabled. ("Color burst" controls the display of
color on composite monitors: When color burst is on,
color is displayed; when it's off, color is not
displayed. RGB displays are not affected by the
color burst status.)
Use INT 10h, Service 0Fh to get the current video
See Also: INT 10h, 06h INT 10h, 07h INT 10h, 0Fh
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