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X-Hacker.org- Assembly Language - <b>function 40h (64) write to file or device, using a handle</b>
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Function 40h (64) Write to File or Device, Using a Handle
Write bytes from a buffer to a file or device.
On entry: AH 40h
BX File handle
CX Number of bytes to write
DS:DX Address of buffer
Returns: AX Number of bytes written, or
Error code, if CF is set
Error codes: 5 Access denied
6 Invalid handle
Call function 59h for extended error code information
(DOS 3.0 and above).
Network: Requires Write access rights
This function writes data to the file or device whose handle is in BX.
Data is written starting at the current file pointer. The file pointer
is then incremented by the number of bytes written.
Notes: If a disk full condition is encountered, no error
code will be returned (i.e., CF will not be set);
however, fewer bytes than requested will have been
written. You should check for this condition by
testing for AX less than CX after returning from the
A file can be truncated my moving the file pointer
to the new end of file (with function 42h) and
calling this function with CX = 0.
You can write bytes to anywhere in the file by
calling function 42h to move to file poniter before
writing data.
Writing to a file marked "read-only" will generate
an error code of 5, "access denied."
See Also: 15h 22h 28h 42h 59h
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