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X-Hacker.org- Assembly Language - <b>function 33h (51) get or set ctrl-break status</b>
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Function 33h (51) Get or Set Ctrl-Break Status
Reports the status of or sets extended Ctrl-Break checking.
On entry: AH 33h
AL 00h to get BREAK state
AL 01h to set BREAK state
DL 00h to set BREAK OFF
01h to set BREAK ON
Returns: DL 00h BREAK is OFF
01h BREAK is ON
With DOS versions 2.00 and later, Ctrl-Break checking can be extended
to take place any time input or output is requested via DOS. (DOS
normally acts on Ctrl-Break only under a limited set of
circumstances--during certain keyboard and screen functions.) Use
Function 33h to toggle extended Ctrl-Break monitoring on or off.
Note: The default for Ctrl-Break monitoring is off.
The state of the control break flag can be set at
the DOS prompt with the "break on" command, so it is
a nice idea to save the state of the break flag and
restore it before returning to DOS.
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