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Clipdir, Artdir

The Artful Two installation process determines the location of CLIPPER
5.0 from your installation arguments, or from a search of available drives.
It also (obviously) knows the location of ARTFUL TWO.  It writes this
information to two files, SETAA.BAT in the bat directory and AA.RMK in the
lists directory.

SETAA.BAT is called from every Artful batch make file.  It sets a DOS
environmental variable clipdir to the location of the CLIPPER 5.0
installation, and another DOS environmental variable artdir to the location
of the Artful Two installation.

Include, Lib, Obj

SETAA.BAT then sets three other DOS environment variables as follows:


Appdir, Artdat

Use these two DOS environment variables to specify a project's environment.

If an environment variable appdir has not been set, SETAA.BAT sets it to

That is, apps is the default source directory for programs being compiled;
to change that, set appdir from DOS. For example,

     C:>set appdir=f:\clipper5\artful\mysource

The make files will look in appdir for the source files.

For location of execution, Artful make and execution batch files look for
the DOS environment variable artdat.  This is %artdir%\data until you
change it.  For example

     C:>set artdat=f:\clipper5\artful\mydata

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