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 Returns the lock status for an individual record


     AX_IsLocked( [<nRecNo>] ) -> logical

     <nRecNo> The record number of the record to check.


     Returns .T. if the record in the current work area is locked.  If not
     locked, .F. is returned.


     AX_IsLocked() returns the record lock status for an individual record
     in the current work area. If the record is locked or the file is
     locked, AX_IsLocked() returns .T..

     If no record number is specified, the current record is assumed.  This
     function will report record locks for records locked by other users as
     well as the current user.

     Note: AX_IsLocked() is illegal if performed within a transaction.
     If AX_IsLocked() is called while within a transaction, a runtime error
     will occur.


     USE test VIA "DBFCDXAX.CH" SHARED  // Open the table
     dbGoto( 100 )                      // Move to record 100

     IF Rlock()                         // Try to lock the record
        ? AX_IsLocked()                 // Since it is locked, returns a .T.
     ELSE                               // Otherwise,
        ? AX_IsLocked()                 // this return .F.

     // Check to see if record 1000 is locked
     ? AX_IsLocked( 1000 )              // Returns .F.

See Also: AX_UnLock() AX_RLock() AX_GetLocks() AX_UserLockID()

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