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 Restores a system-owned Client Advantage Optimized Filter that was stored in


     aofRestoreFilter( <cFiltString> ) -> logical

     <cFiltString>  Character string with previously saved filter


     Returns .T. if the operation was successful; .F. indicates it failed.
     If aofRestoreFilter() failed, aofErrorCode() will return information
     on why the function failed.


     Restores the filter state using a saved version (previously set up
     by aofSaveFilter()). The filter will be restored as the currently
     active system-owned filter.

     This allows you to stack filters, or swap filters without repeating
     the work performed in executing the original aofSetFilter().

     aofRestoreFilter() will restore saved versions of the filter
     condition and the records in the filter.

     Note:  aofRestoreFilter() destroys the saved filter. You can only
     restore a saved filter once.


     USE customer INDEX last, age

     // Create a system-owned filter
     aofSetFilter( "age = 30" )

     // Save the filter
     cSaveFilt := aofSaveFilter()

     // Create a new system-owned filter
     aofSetFilter( "age = 31" )

     LIST last, age              // Will list all the 31's in last order

     // Restore the saved filter
     aofRestoreFilter( cSaveFilt )

     LIST last, age              // Will list all the 30's in last order

See Also: aofDestroyFilter() aofSaveFilter()

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