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 Returns Advantage software version information


     AX_Version( [<nType>] ) -> numeric

     <nType>  An optional numeric value from 0 to 3 indicating the type
     of version information desired.


     Returns one of four values, depending on the value of nType:

     <nType>   Returns

        0      Primary version number as a string ( "5.0" )
        1      Date stamp of release as a DATE type ( "03/30/98" )
        2      Time stamp of release as a string ( "5:20a" )
        3      A string containing the following information:
               product name, dialect, version number, date stamp, and
               time stamp.  (For example: "Advantage RDD for CA-Clipper 5.2,
               CDX/IDX, 5.0, 03/30/98, 5:20a")

     If no value is specified, the primary version number is returned.


     Reports the Advantage RDD version number and sub-version information.

     AX_Version( 1 ) returns a date value (type "D") while all other
     parameters return a character string (type "C").  If you intend to use
     the return value of AX_Version( 1 ) as a string, convert it using
     CA-Clipper's DTOC() or DTOS() function.

     AX_Version() will not return any information until the application
     has established a connection to the Advantage Database Server.  A
     connection is established when the first table is opened.


     USE test VIA "DBFNTXAX"

     // Print out Advantage version information
     ? "Version: " + AX_Version( 3 )

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