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 Obtain physical row number at current work area cursor position

     ERRCODE recno(
                       AREAP wa,
                       ITEM record


     wa is a pointer to self.

     record is a pointer to an item that determines the current row
     identifier, and will normally be a number indicating the row number.


     recno() retrieves the physical row identifier at the current work area
     cursor position for use by the CA-Clipper runtime system.  If your driver
     operates on a database that does not contain record numbers, you must
     provide a unique value to be used to identify each row.

 Default Behavior

     You must implement the default behavior of this method through a

 Implementation Notes

     .  If your RDD supports relations, update them with a forceRel()
        prior to attempting relative movement.

 Files  Header file is Rdd.api.

See Also: AREA forceRel() reccount()

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