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Click above to get retro games delivered to your door ever month! CA-Clipper 5.3 . Error Messages - <b>1125: <file(module)> communal '<symbol>' has an inconsistent element size</b> [<<Previous Entry] [^^Up^^] [Next Entry>>] [Menu] [About The Guide]
 1125:   <file(module)> communal '<symbol>' has an inconsistent element size

     Explanation:  This message is applicable to C-compiled modules.
     Blinker has detected that the size of the far static uninitialized data
     item (communal variable) indicated, had been declared to have a
     different element size in a previously encountered module.

     Action:  If you receive this message, modify and recompile your C
     modules so that the communal variable is declared to be the same size in
     all the modules.

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